Our highly experienced teachers are always available to support you. / The Health and Fitness Institute

Our courses are practically focused on ensuring you’re ready to hit the ground running. / The Health and Fitness Institute

Our immersive learning platform allows you to learn anywhere, anytime. / The Health and Fitness Institute
All fitness education providers currently out there are one and the same. They vary in price, or how they deliver the course, but the end result is the same piece of paper at the end of the course with no meaningful difference on who you work with.
THFI is here to make that difference to the Personal Training education marketplace.
In an industry that simply tries to churn out as many ‘qualified PTs’ as possible, we measure ourselves on our ability to deliver long-term success, and rewarding, successful careers for new and current fitness professionals.
THFI was born out of frustration with Personal Trainer education companies. We make the difference in a market that focuses on volume not quality. Our core principles focus on preparing PT’s for the real world; we continue to mentor individuals through their first 12 months, after achieving their qualifications
Key products and services
We truly believe that being a great Personal Trainer is one of the most powerful and impactful jobs on the planet. Yes, you read that right. One of the most powerful, significant, and criminally underused jobs on this earth. What other profession allows you multiple touch points every single week to help improve someone’s health and fitness? To change someone’s life?
Yet until now, those who choose this admirable career path have been let down. Underprepared, under-equipped. An industry that should be replenished with fantastic people doing fantastic work is too often held back by inadequately trained, inadequately educated, inadequately motivated trainers.
That needed to change. That is what we are here to do.
Qualifying as a Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach or a Nutrition Coach with The Health and Fitness Institute is not the same box ticking exercise you experience with other providers. Our responsibility to you is to ensure that you are prepared for a long and successful career in health and fitness, and that means more than just passing your certification.
We will ensure that you have a true understanding of what it takes to be a success in your chosen career path, and be prepared for all the trials and tribulations that come your way. Your certification is important, but it is only one part of what makes qualifying with THFI unique.
Unlike other providers, our service to you doesn’t stop as you complete your course. We are invested in your success. Our team offers continued support in those difficult days, and mentor you as you navigate your chosen career path.
In 90% of gyms, once you qualify, you’re on your own. But with our unparalleled mentoring program and ongoing support from some of the leading personal training executives in the world, you couldn’t be better placed to make a success of your career.
Plans for the next 12 months
Our focus is to provide unique education, support and mentoring opportunities to change the landscape of health and wellness education.
Our core aim is to improve the career opportunities for individuals within our sector. Be that with market leading entry qualifications and mentoring, or unique CPD opportunities to help people thrive in their chosen career pathway.
“I’ve found that the course and tutors really keep you accountable and motivate you to ensure you keep a close eye on course content and digest it properly.
“For someone who has always struggled to read, webinars are certainly the way forward. There are live and pre-recorded webinars and of course you can watch all of the material back.br>
THFI covers all types of learning styles which further demonstrates how personalized it is.”
– Olivia, PT Trainee (via Trust Pilot)
“I decided to choose THFI because of the support I was going to receive and the help making sure I was qualified to a high level. Best decision!”
– EJ, Trainee Wellness Coach (via Trust Pilot)
“I opened up my course in the learning platform and downloaded the app, so I started learning straight away, A&P was tough but THFI laid it out in really easy digestible chunks. I have more to complete but wanted to recommend THFI to anyone wanting to become a PT. Thank you”
– Reuben, PT Trainee (via Trust Pilot)